viernes, 27 de marzo de 2009

Just me....

Ok....I will try to introduce myself, but I can assure you that I'm not so good doing these kind of things, but I'll do my best.

I guess everyone who is going to read this has heard something about me,at least my name, so I think everyone knows a little bit about me.

I'm going to start just by saying what my friends think about me because is very difficult when somenone ask you to describe yourself.

I'm a nice girl who is always trying to make people laugh , I'm sometimes funy and I like to be like this ,to make people laugh cheers me up when I'm down.

It's obvious that I got angry sometimes but it's just normal ,and my friends know that when I'm angry they better don't talk to me because I usually yell at people, not always but sometimes.

I like to spend time with my family and friends ,hang out with them and have fun, go to the mall, go to the movies and thing like that.

I hope you like my Blog , I've never had one before , so this is my first one and have fun and enjoy it.