viernes, 5 de junio de 2009


why is it so important?

Uufff tough question! it is important because of so many things that I don't know how can I start.

Fisrt of all you're educating children , the future of our country , the ones who could really make a change in our so narrow-minded society, so why is it important? here's my answer. Nowadays some teachers are so decifient in their duties s educators , the just do this job because it's simply a job, and let's be realistics , a teacher doesn't make huge amounts of money so I don't really understand why are they doing this , the should know how harmful are they being doing their jobs badly.The're teaching to our future (children) to be mediocre and to be indifferent and unconcient about our reality.

this is just one thing , one little aspect of why it is so important.

I truly believe that we as critic teacher should put our education in the right why in the right road because it's loosing its main point that it's to build persons who can really coexist with others in a good way and cooperate with the construction of a better country to live.

2 comentarios:

  1. What we need is educated parents who show interest in what their children are doing 8 hours a day 7 hours a week in these "houses of learning". Society needs to get more involved. However, how we get to this point is the difficult question.

  2. Hey Cinderella, where's your essay post?
